
Top 5 reviewers of the year 2016

The top 5 reviewers for European Radiology were awarded at the Editorial Board meeting at ECR 2017. The team of editors would like to congratulate  and thank them again for their invaluable help. Dr. David Baldwin (Nottingham/U.K.) Dr. Marco Das (Duisburg/Germany) Dr....

MRI for peripheral trigeminal neuropathy

Seventeen patients were examined to find out how useful magnetic resonance neurography (MRN) is in the management of peripheral trigeminal neuropathies. The results were compared with clinical and surgical findings in operated patients and the effect on clinical...

Prostatic arterial embolisation: what is it good for?

This study examines the effect of prostatic arterial embolisation (PAE) on various prostate gland anatomical zones. The authors concluded that PAE can significantly decrease prostate volumes, and poor clinical outcomes are associated with smaller volume reductions....