This study includes feature selection and internal and external validation of the findings and shows that radiomics, in addition to clinical information, predicts prognosis better than clinical data alone. Article: Development of a radiomics nomogram based on the 2D...
Over the last 15 years, image reconstruction of CT has been revolutionized. This is one major tool for dose reduction and the story does not end there, as there are many new promising developments. Article: The evolution of image reconstruction for CT—from filtered...
A subgroup of experts from the ESUR Prostate MRI Working Group conducted a literature review and face-to-face and electronic exchanges to draw up a position statement. Article: The primacy of multiparametric MRI in men with suspected prostate cancer Authors: Jonathan...
We thank our esteemed colleagues for their valuable comment. Our study aimed at reappraising the rate of and the risk factors for complications of percutaneous ultrasound-guided liver biopsy, comparing targeted and non-targeted biopsies [1]. We concluded that,...
Dear Editor, We have read with great interest the publication by Maheux A et al [1] regarding the complication rates of targeted and non-targeted liver biopsies. The authors, in contrast to most previous studies [2, 3], conclude that there is no significant difference...