Dear Editor, With great interest we have read the “Letter to the Editor” by Yueqiang Zhu et al. regarding our earlier meta-analysis [1]. We appreciate the feedback given by the authors on minor inconsistencies in data-extraction, as provided in the Erratum to our...
Dear Editor, We read with considerable interest Dr. Uhlig and colleagues’ article “Diagnostic accuracy of cone-beam breast computed tomography: a systematic review and diagnostic meta-analysis” published in the March 2019 issue of European Radiology [1]. The authors...
Experts are convinced that patients will benefit from early diagnosis and screening will significantly reduce the mortality of the #1 cancer worldwide. They advocate that professional and patient organizations raise public awareness. Article: ESR/ERS statement paper...
Women account for fewer than half of radiology roles in academia and private practice, adding to the issue of gender inequality within the discipline. Proactive measures need to be taken in order to increase representation of women in academic and leadership roles....
Contrast-enhanced mammography is developing as an alternative to MRI in some situations. However, in order to decrease the radiation dose, the question is if we can perform only a single view instead of a double view. From this cohort, the answer is not positive. Tip:...