
A new method for breast imaging?

Optoacoustic imaging is a new modality that combines ultrasound and laser light provides improved insight into molecular characteristics of breast cancer. Article: Optoacoustic imaging of the breast: correlation with histopathology and histopathologic biomarkers...

Liver elastography: MR vs US

Several methods are available to detect and evaluate liver fibrosis non-invasively. This prospective study points out the advantages of MR elastography. Article: Prospective comparison of transient, point shear wave, and magnetic resonance elastography for staging...

Infection of bone and joint prosthetic material: an imaging challenge

Bone and prosthetic joint infection is one of the most feared adverse events. A multidisciplinary group defined a strategy in order to ensure its early management. Article: Diagnosis of peripheral bone and prosthetic joint infections: overview on the consensus...

Further imaging tools for aortic acute syndrome

Prediction of aortic acute syndrome improves with the use of modern imaging. This may greatly help when making a decision on surgery. Article: Predictive imaging for thoracic aortic dissection and rupture: moving beyond diameters Authors: Bouke P. Adriaans, Joachim E....

Placental imaging: a useful new horizon

Placenta accreta is more and more common and has potentially harmful consequences. Two societies joined efforts to provide recommendations for relevant and standardized reports. Article: Society of Abdominal Radiology (SAR) and European Society of Urogenital Radiology...