European Radiology, along with the whole ESR Journal Family, sends its warmest wishes for the Holiday season to all its readers, contributors, reviewers, and editors. On behalf of the Journal, we wish to sincerely thank all our authors, reviewers, and editorial...
Dear Editor in Chief, We thank our colleagues from Colombia for their interest in our article [1]. Indeed, it is known that fluid along the deep fascia may be present in other diseases than necrotizing soft tissue infection (NSTI). Therefore, as always, imaging should...
Dear Editor in Chief, We read with pleasure the article written by Bruls and Kwee entitled “CT in necrotizing soft tissue infection: diagnostic criteria and comparison with LRINEC score” [1]. The author’s purpose was to examine the performance of computed tomography...
Dear Editor, Dear Drs. Mungmunpuntipantip and Wiwanitkit, Thank you very much for your comments. We completely agree that there are many factors determining the clinical outcome of patients with cancer and COVID-19. It has been reported in the literature that many...
Dear Editor, We would like to share ideas on “COVID-19 in patients with cancer: can baseline radiologic severity and early evolution predict clinical outcomes?” [1]. Perez-Johnston et al. concluded that “The degree of parenchymal involvement on CXR...