
ANNOUNCEMENT – Review Fellowships 2022 – Applications now OPEN

  The European Society of Radiology announces the European Radiology Review Fellowships in 2022 Up to 10 candidates will be trained as reviewers for European Radiology for a period of approximately 6 months (March to September). Tasks The fellowship will consist...

Reply to the Letter to the Editor: “Diagnostic performance and interobserver agreement of the callosal angle and Evans’ index in idiopathic normal pressure hydrocephalus: a systematic review and meta-analysis”

Dear Editor, We appreciate Ryska et al. for their interest in our meta-analysis [1]. We acknowledge that the issues from their letter are important that need further discussion, although some of them have already been handled in our meta-analysis. First, we agree that...

Impact Factor for 2020: 5.315

The European Society of Radiology (ESR) is overjoyed to announce that European Radiology, the flagship journal of the society, has received an Impact Factor for 2020 of 5.315! This increase in the impact factor from 4.101 has also resulted in a new ranking within the...