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Sustainability in radiology: position paper and call to action from ACR, AOSR, ASR, CAR, CIR, ESR, ESRNM, ISR, IS3R, RANZCR, and RSNA

The European Society of Radiology (ESR), in collaboration with ten leading international radiology societies, has released a position paper and call to action on sustainability in radiology. The paper highlights the urgent need to integrate environmentally sustainable...

ACR BI-RADS lexicon, silicone implants, and breast implant illness

Dear Editor, I respectfully come through this opinion letter to make some remarks regarding the BI-RADS lexicon new edition, which will come into force from the year 2023 in its sixth edition, preliminarily made available by the Society of Breast Imaging (SBI) in the...

Reply to the Letter to the Editor: “Did medical doctors who order abdominal CT scans during on-call hours truly become worse at clinical reasoning? Yes, they did”

Dear Editor, We thank Sikkens and Thijs for their thoughtful comments. In a multiple regression analysis, the year in which the CT scan was performed was significantly negatively associated (β coefficient of -2.039, p = 0.017) and the number of CT scans performed per...

Letter to the Editor: “Did medical doctors who order abdominal CT scans during on-call hours truly become worse at clinical reasoning? Yes, they did”

Dear Editor, We read with great interest the recent article by Arsoydan et al: "Did medical doctors who order abdominal CT scans during on-call hours truly become worse at clinical reasoning? Yes, they did" [1]. As internists, we practice clinical reasoning on a daily...

Reply to the Letter to the Editor: “Association of subpleural ground-glass opacities with respiratory failure and RNAemia in COVID-19”

Dear Editor, We thank Furkan Ufuk for his letter and interest in our study [1]. First, this study focused on the radiological patterns in the early phase of SARS-CoV-2 infection between April 2020 and October 2021 (when the vaccine had not been available in Japan)....

Letter to the Editor: “Association of subpleural ground-glass opacities with respiratory failure and RNAemia in COVID-19”

Dear Editor, I read with great interest the article titled "Association of subpleural ground-glass opacities with respiratory failure and RNAemia in COVID-19" by Nagaoka et al [1]. I congratulate the authors for this informative and valuable study. In this article,...

Letter to the Editor: “Comparison of diagnostic performance of the ACR and Kwak TIRADS applying the ACR TIRADS’ size thresholds for FNA”

Dear Editor, We read with interest the article by Sun Huh et al [1] in the Jul 2021 issue of European Radiology. In this article, the authors showed the modified Kwak-TIRADS incorporating the size thresholds of the ACR-TIRADS seen higher diagnostic performance and a...

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As the family of radiologists is steadily growing, it is becoming more and more important for the community of experts to keep track of the exciting new research their colleagues conduct in other parts of the world.

Without doubt, English today is the lingua franca of science, but it is also true that a majority of scientists do not speak English as their mother tongue. Reading research articles in their mother tongue makes it easier for scientists to concentrate on the scientific message rather than on the foreign language.

Tenemos el placer de presentarles los resúmenes, puntos y palabras clave de los artículos publicados en European Radiology en español. Queremos ofrecer este servicio a la comunidad científica hispanohablante, y esperamos que les facilite la selección de artículos interesantes. Las traducciones se han realizado minuciosamente por radiólogos con excelentes conocimientos del español y el inglés, coordinadas y editadas por el Dr Antonio López Rueda (Murcia/ES).

We would like to thank the CSR for their cooperation and their excellent pioneering work in this field: The Chinese Society of Radiology (CSR): the abstracts of articles published in the printed issues of European Radiology are translated into Chinese (Mandarin). It is our pleasure to offer this service to the Chinese speaking radiology community, and to add to the high profile of these studies and case reports by making them more easily accessible.