
Posterior fossa stroke on brain CT

Posterior fossa stroke on brain CT

Does iterative mode reconstruction designed for brain CT have a positive effect on the accuracy of posterior fossa stroke diagnosis on brain CT? Read about the findings in the study below.

BI-RADS category 3 lesions under evaluation

BI-RADS category 3 lesions under evaluation

This study carries out a retrospective evaluation of the characteristics of BI-RADS category 3 lesions, as well as proposing appropriate follow-up recommendations, detected in pre-operative MRIs of newly diagnosed breast cancer patients.

ESR Albert L. Baert Editorial Fellowship 2018

ESR Albert L. Baert Editorial Fellowship 2018

The European Radiology Private Foundation announces the application period of the ESR Albert L. Baert Editorial Fellowship in 2018. This editorial fellowship programme aims to provide training in editorial skills, such as manuscript evaluation, manuscript editing, organisation of peer review, manuscript production and publishing, including electronic publication.

ESUR guidelines for Magnetic Resonance imaging in endometriosis

ESUR guidelines for Magnetic Resonance imaging in endometriosis

A panel of radiologists from the European Society of Urogenital Radiology (ESUR), experts in gynaecological imaging and a gynaecologist expert in methodology proposed a final recommendation on technical requirements, patient preparation, protocols and criteria for the diagnosis of pelvic endometriosis using Magnetic Resonance Imaging.

Screening for breast cancer

Screening for breast cancer

The European Society of Breast Imaging and 30 national breast radiology bodies pursue the goal of delivering a clear statement in favour of screening mammography to national/local governments, policy makers, referring physicians and the general population.

Diagnostic accuracy of dual-source CT coronary angiography in obese and non-obese patients

Diagnostic accuracy of dual-source CT coronary angiography in obese and non-obese patients

3rd-generation dual source CT angiography with automated tube voltage selection provides a high diagnostic accuracy for detecting significant stenoses in coronary arteries. Detection accuracy was not significantly different between non-obese and obese patients, thus current radiation dose-saving approaches can be applied independent of body habitus.

Indeterminate Adnexal Mass

Indeterminate Adnexal Mass

With this article the authors aim to deliver an update on the 2010 ESUR recommendations of MRI of the sonographically indeterminate adnexal mass.     Key points: MRI is a useful complementary imaging technique for assessing sonographically indeterminate...