Dear Editor, We read with great interest the article “CT diagnosis of closed loop bowel obstruction mechanism is not sufficient to indicate emergent surgery” by Rondenet C et al [1]. The topic of adhesive small bowel obstruction (SBO) imaging and...
Dear Editor, I read with great interest the article written by Heo et al [1] on the relationship between dark torsion knot sign at computed tomography (CT) and complicated sigmoid volvulus (SV). SV, the wrapping of the sigmoid colon around itself causing a colonic...
Thank you for your interest in our paper. We note that you plan an additional analysis which extends the data which will potentially include the data used here plus, we assume, the possibility of another two years data (2016/17 and 2107/18) as well as interval cancer...
Dear Editor, We read with great interest the article entitled “An analysis of 11.3 million screening tests examining the association between recall and cancer detection rates in the English NHS breast cancer screening programme” by Roger Blanks and colleagues [1]. We...
Dear Editor, First of all, we would like to thank Dr. Wang and his colleagues for their interest in our recent study published in European Radiology [1]. They pointed out important errors in our Figure legend 4a and 4b, and we would like to correct these errors....
Dear Editor, We read with interest the article by Dong Ho Lee et al. entitled “Non-hypervascular hepatobiliary phase hypointense nodules on gadoxetic acid-enhanced MR can help determine the treatment method for HCC” [1]. We would like to thank authors for serial work...