Dear Editor, We read with interest the article by Sun Huh et al [1] in the Jul 2021 issue of European Radiology. In this article, the authors showed the modified Kwak-TIRADS incorporating the size thresholds of the ACR-TIRADS seen higher diagnostic performance and a...
Dear Editor, With great interest we have read the Letter to the Editor by Xiao Chen and colleagues regarding our publication “Proposed diagnostic volumetric bone mineral density thresholds for osteoporosis and osteopenia at the cervicothoracic spine in correlation to...
Dear Editor, Screening for osteoporosis can be effective in reducing the incidence of fragility fractures [1]. Dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) and quantitative computed tomography (QCT) based lumbar bone mineral density (LBMD) has been used for osteoporosis...
Dear Editor, We read the article by Schuessler et al with interest [1]. In their study, they used a CT-FFR machine learning algorithm for differentiation of hemodynamically significant and non-significant coronary stenosis in patients evaluated for LT. In this study,...
Dear Editor in Chief, we would like to express our gratitude for the response to our article about the economic evaluation of abbreviated breast MRI published in April 2022 in European Radiology [1]. The colleagues discuss the challenges of implementing abbreviated...
Dear Editor in Chief, In a model-based economic study, Tollens et al [1] found that abbreviated breast MRI (AB-MRI) may be considered cost-effective compared to a full protocol MRI (FB-MRI) for screening women with dense breast tissue. Reporting a cut-off that allows...